5 Great WordPress Themes That Offer Multifunctionality and Flexibility


Sometimes, your website needs a theme that is designed specifically for something you want to achieve, but sometimes, you just need a theme that covers a wide range of functions. WordPress themes that cover a broad range of functions are something that a lot of website owners love, and if you are looking for such a theme, here are some of the best themes for WordPress that cover a broad range of fucntions.1. The Core

This is a great WordPress theme, and if you are looking for multifunctionality, then it is probably one of your best choices. What is great about this theme is that is not only one theme, but it incorporates as much as 16 different themes in it! And despite that, it is actually a quite simple theme to use, because it really has a great UI, and the designers of it have made their best to make the users of The Core theme find their way in it in the simplest way possible.

2. Be Theme
Just like the previous theme we have mentioned, The Core, this theme is also very big. It is also highly customizable, and offers a lot of options. Some people even say it is the largest theme that has ever existed on WordPress, and they very well may be right. There is a huge number of different options that this theme gives you, and it can be used for a variety of purposes. For those who are looking to get a theme that is flexible and that offers more than a few options, then checking out the Be Theme is a good move for them.

3. Enfold
Another theme that is highly functional, very flexible, and just plain cool. It’s a great theme, so we would recommend you to check it out if you are still searching for the perfect multifunctional theme for your WordPress. The Enfold theme may just be one of those themes that work perfectly for you.

4. The 7
This is another great theme for your WordPress that really has a huge range of purposes you can use it for. It is highly customizable, and the number of options it give you to design it to your own liking makes it one of the most flexible themes for WordPress out there. If you are looking for a theme that you can change around, customize, and bend to your own purpose and liking, this theme is likely the best thing that you could find. Give it a go, and you surely won’t regret it.

5. Uncode
This is a beautiful WordPress theme that offers great options when it comes to multifunctionality. It is a rather simple theme, and one that can help you with building your website in a quick manner, without unnecessary complications. If you are looking for a simple theme, that still offers a great deal of options and flexibility, make sure you check this one out. It may be just what you were looking for.